American Dairy Coalition Inc.
PO Box 10976, Green Bay, WI 54307-0976
Phone:  920-288-7190
Email: ​ 

Recent Videos

  • Introduce coalition members and our issues to key federal and state policy makers and educate them about ADC’s objectives and why our objectives are so critical to the future of dairy farming in the United States

  • ​​Real-time updates to coalition members on critical federal policy changes, regulatory rules, and farm situations

​​Your Trusted Voice

We are the voice of progressive dairy farmers in the nation. 
We are an industry organization led by farmers.  This ensures that those most affected by governmental policy have a vehicle to protect their interests and ensure the growth and future livelihood of the industry. The American Dairy Coalition focuses on federal dairy policy.  Successful policy-making, in order to best serve our industry, must start in Washington.  We focus only on top priority issues in order to remain nimble and quickly adapt to the ever-changing federal policy-making environment.  To ensure the dairy industry’s voice is heard, a consistent presence on a federal level is vital, not only to make sure the right policies are passed, but to ensure they remain protected from activists' attempts to overturn them.


Representing the united voice for America's milk producers, processors and supply chain committed to growth and expansion through federal dairy policy and growing worldwide demand for American dairy products.



  • Sustain a reliable stable workforce (a dairy guest worker program)

  • Protect dairy business investment and create greater certainty for development (streamline and reduce EPA overreach)​

  • Increase consumer trust and confidence in milk through innovation, entrepreneurship and compassion